102 Session Tunes


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This is the paper version – a PDF download is also available.

102 Session Tunes is the second book in this series. Its aim is to be a resource to help further develop the repertoire of any traditional musician keen to play along in sessions. Whether beginner, intermediate or a an advanced player, it caters for all abilities. 

Where the last book (101 Session tunes) focused solely on Jigs and Reels, this edition includes a full range of tune styles including Hornpipes, Barndances, Polkas, Slides, Waltzes and slow tunes. But of course, lots more Jigs and Reels too! Offering musicians a more varied range of styles to bring to their local sessions. 

Written by husband and wife duo Ali & Philippe Barnes, all the tunes in the book are traditional. It includes many of the popular ones the couple play in sessions across London, but also lots from further afield. 

This book is ideal if you’ve used and loved the first book and would like more tunes to be working through, or equally if you’re new to the series and would just like a comprehensive collection of popular session tunes. We hope you enjoy!