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Remote recording of flutes (Concert Flute, Alto Flute, Piccolo, Irish Flute, Bamboo Flutes), Tin Whistle, Low Whistles, Uilleann Pipes, Acoustic Guitar available.

I have a high quality studio setup at home, and regularly record flute and whistles for film & TV composers remotely.

I recently recorded flute and bass flute for Netflix film “The Wonder”, Baroque and Concert Flute for the feature films “Emma” and “The Imposter”. I also played Irish Pipes, Flute and Whistles for the soundtrack of ITV’s new series “Sanditon”. I recorded Flute and Whistle on Amy Dickson’s platinum selling album “Dusk till Dawn” (and also joined her live at the Royal Albert Hall for the Classic Brit Awards) and often record Celtic instruments and a range of world flutes on library music tracks for producers.

EQUIPMENT: Pro Tools/Logic, Universal Audio Apollo, Neve 8801, AEA R84, Neumann K184’s, Brauner Phantom.

FILMS – The Imposter | Dark Horse | Emma | The Funeral | Brothers of War | Body in the Park

TV – PBS “Magic of the Snowy Owl” | BBC2 “The Monkey-Eating Eagle of the Orinoco” | ITV “Sanditon” | BBC “Love and Hate Crime” | E4 “Made in Chelsea” | BBC Horizon “Should I Really Test My Health” | Discovery Channel “Fighting Hatred”, “Trailblazers” | ITV “Faultlines – India”

ALBUMS – Amy Dickson | Dizraeli & The Small Gods | Syd Arthur | 1916 The Musical | Lee Westwood | Attab Haddad | CrossHarbour | Franc O’Shea | Kirsty Bromley | Mike Carter | All Jigged Out | Philippe Barnes & Tom Phelan | Mooose | Mike Considine | The Wilderness Yet

Remote Recording London